Die Enigma und andere Verschlüsselungsanlagen - IX / The Enigma and Other Famous Cipher Machines - IX
23.06, 16:00–18:00 (Europe/Berlin), Österreich

Die Enigma und andere Verschlüsselungsanlagen - IX

The Enigma and Other Famous Cipher Machines - IX
Die Enigma und Andere Bekannte Verschlusselungsanlagen - IX

Prof. Tom Perera, W1TP / Paul Reuvers, PE1BXL and Marc Simons, PE1RRT

Paul Reuvers-PE1BXL and Marc Simons-PE1RRT
"New Discoveries in Enigma and Cipher Machine History". (in English)

Klaus Schmeh: "Cryptological History".
("Die Geschichte der Cryptologie").
(in German and English)

Dr. Simon Wiest: The Enigma R.D.E. (in English and German)

Demonstrations of Cipher Machines:
Klaus Kopacz, Paul Reuvers, John Alexander, Dr. Simon Wiest and Dan and Tom Perera (In German and English)

Brief Summary:
There has always been a need for keeping communications secret. This forum will describe and demonstrate some of the historic machines and techniques that have been used to encipher and decipher messages and report on new discoveries in the history of cryptology.