24.06, 10:00–18:00 (Europe/Berlin), Berlin
SDR Academy (https://2023.sdra.io/)
2023 SDRA Schedule
10:00 -10:15
Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje DK5HH, Markus Heller, M.A., DL8RDS
Welcome and Introduction
10:15 -10:30
Andreas Spiess HB9BLA onsite
10:30 -11:00
Lucas Speckbacher OE2LSP (onsite)
SDR-Buffer - Time travel on ham bands
11:00 -11:30
Rob Robinett AI6VN onsite
Creating a low cost high performance FST4W/WSPR beacon site using the RFzero or QPR Labs QDX
11:30 -12:00
Gwyn Griffiths G3ZIL/ Nigel Squibb G4HZX onsite
Propagation path analysis on the HF bands using Software Defined Radio and FST4W
12:00 -12:30 Lunch Break
12:30 -13:00
Sylvain Azarian F4GKR onsite
Ulrich L Rohde Award Ceremony
13:00 -13:30
Laurence Barker G8NJJ onsite
Completion of the Saturn SDR
13:30 -14:00
Daniel Estévez EA4GPZ onsite
Maia SDR: An open-source FPGA-based SDR project focusing on the ADALM Pluto
14:00 -14:15 Coffee Break
14:15 -14:45
Dr. Stefan Scholl DC9ST (onsite)
Radio Signal Identification with Deep Learning in Real-Worldn Operation
14:45 -15:15
Jakob Ketterl DD5JFK remote
OpenWebRX - - Recent State of Development
15:15 -15:45
André Buhart F1ATB remote
RemoteSDR - Browser Based SDR Transceiver Control
15:45 -16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 -16:30
Murat Sever TA2BTO onsite
Communication Educational Kit - ComKit
16:30 -1700
Dr. Bastian Bloessl DF1BBL remote
Seify: A Rusty SDR Hardware Abstraction Library
17:00 -17:30
Gerhard Häring DK6RH (onsite)
Selfmade Portable Hf-Transceiver with Hermeslite2 and Raspberry Pi
17:30 -18:00
Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje DK5HH, Markus Heller, M.A., DL8RDS
Final Discussion