Measuring radiation efficiency of electrically small, automotive-on the move, short-wave antennas, including lessons learned for restricted space antenna (160/80/40m) optimization
24.06, 16:00–18:00 (Europe/Berlin), Halle A2 Raum 2

Measuring radiation efficiency of electrically small, automotive-on the move, short-wave antennas,
including lessons learned for restricted space antenna (160/80/40m) optimization

There are direct implications of this, aside from Military/ Special-Forces/ Government, in mobile HAM RADIO and NGOs. Humanitarian-medical-technical crisis-relief organizations, with mission critical emergency communication needs, possibly in remote disaster areas, may also profit from our practical R&D.
1. Motivation, Background, R&D Project Goals
2. State of the Art in HAM RADIO and Commercial +(Mil) ESA (Electrically Small Antennas)
3. Some Basic underlaying EM-Physics/Theory of ESA (Verticals, Loops)
4. Methods of Testing Antenna Radiation-Efficiency, go/no-go Metrology.
5. Need for Professional Simulations (Model: interaction Car, Tires, ESA, Soil, etc.)
6. Creating 160/80/40m ESA Reference-Antennas, comparing Simulation and Testing
7. Absolute “Gain” comparison by means of predictable Reference-Antennas (using EMSimulations)
8. Experimental Radiation -Efficiency Antenna-Comparison (commercial/homemade -ant. ranking)
9. Resulting Antenna-Efficiency impacting factors (soil on low bands, elevation angle, design etc.)
10. Lessons learned for restricted space antenna locations, HOA and portable-QTH.
11. Conclusions, Project Outlook (future R&D topics), open Literature

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